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Bižuterní pryžová zarážka k náušnicím L1009 A - bal 10 ks
Naušnicový háček z nerezavějící oceli L3129
Náušnicový háček L1011- platina platina
Bižuterní pryžová zarážka k náušnicím L1009 A - bal 10 ks
Nýt s hlavičkou z nerezavějící oceli L3333
Naušnicový háček z nerezavějící oceli L3129
Welcome to pages of Livo Co.Ltd. – section of glass beads and all jewellery components. We are export and import company founded in 1991 in Jablonec nad Nisou. We mainly sell glass beads (pressed beads, fire polished beads, lamp beads, imitation pearls - wax, seed beads – rocailles, m.c. beads) glass stones, sequins, glitters, jewellery components, wooden beads, chandelier trimmings, strass and glass buttons, plastic and rhinestone bandings, religious articles (rosary, croses, madonas, devocionals articles), ready jewellery made out of glass beads, strass jewellery and other items typical for Jablonec region.